Highly accurate manganin resistance d.c shunts. When a current is passed through the shunt a proportional millivolt output is produced.
The products detailed in this production are our standard range, but for quantity orders, HOBUT engineers will be pleased to work with customers to design individual shunts to their specifications.
Shunts are used for measuring current in d.c. applications by connecting them to moving coil panel meters, digital meters or other measuring devices. Shunts can also be used in control devices such as power supplies and battery chargers for overload protection.
Base Mounted Shunts
Base mounted insulated shunts can be manufactured to order.
PCB Mounting Shunts
PCB mounting shunts are designed and manufactured to order, for UPS systems applications
DIN Shunts to DIN 43703
HOBUT can supply D.C. shunts to standard DIN dimensions according to DIN 43703. A seperate dimensional sheet is available on request.
Call us now on: +44 1922 640003